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Slane Triple Cask Irish Whiskey 700ml

Smooth, complex and robust. An Irish whiskey as uncommon as its surroundings and colourful history, each drop presents an opportunity to uncover yet another subtle layer of its full bodied character.

Smirnoff Red No.21 Vodka 1 Litre

Smirnoff No. 21 Red Vodka, also known as Red Label, is celebrated as the world's best-selling premium vodka. Its iconic reputation stems from a meticulous distillation process: triple-distilled from a blend of grains and filtered ten times through seven columns of sustainable charcoal. This results in its exceptionally smooth, pure taste that is both soft and full-bodied.

Smirnoff Red No.21 Vodka 700ml

Smirnoff No. 21 Vodka is the World's No. 1 Vodka. Our award-winning vodka has robust flavour with a dry finish for ultimate smoothness and clarity. Triple distilled and 10 times filtered, our vodka is perfect on the rocks or in your favourite cocktail. Smirnoff No. 21 is Kosher Certified and gluten free.

Smirnoff Red Vodka 375ml

Triple distilled and exceptionally smooth + ten times filtered in a unique process for ultimate clarity.

Smokehead Rum Rebel Single Malt 700ml

First impression of fiery peat kicks things off, naturally. But then comes a sweetness - burnt marshmallows, charred pineapple, banana and bacon. The full-on flavour of briny, oily, intense smoke hits hard but doused quickly with a spoonful of honey and lemon. And when the dust settles the smoky dying embers of toasted oak remains. Along with just a hint of fruity aftermath.

Smokehead Single Malt 700ml

Smokehead Islay Single Malt Scotch Whisky is intensely rich yet subtly sweet. Smokehead embodies a wild spirit and appeals to those with an appreciation for heavy, earthy peat. With immense smoke and notes of sea salt and spice, this is a vigorous whisky that stands out from the crowd.

Sourz Apple 700ml

This Apple flavoured drink is a favourite among the shooter drinkers. Sourz Apple Liqueur can be enjoyed in this way, straight and in cocktails.

Sourz Blackcurrant 700ml

This Blackcurrant flavoured drink is the newest addition to the highly successful Sourz range. Sourz Blackcurrant Liqueur can be enjoyed in this way, straight and thrown back.

Sourz Raspberry 700ml

The shocking pink and bold black of the bottle hints at something extra special. And Sourz Spirited Raspberry is just that. Strong hits of fruit, a balance of sweet and sour, impactful flavour and thoroughly irresistible.

Southern Comfort 1 Litre

The unique combination of flavours in Southern Comfort makes it a versatile mixer, as well as a great tasting spirit to savour on its own. At the core are whiskey, fruit and spice flavours.

Southern Comfort 100 Proof 1 Litre

This product maintains the iconic Southern Comfort flavour but with the additional alcohol content which results in a unique, smooth tasting product that is great straigh, in a cocktail or mixed with your favourite mixer.

Southern Comfort 375ml

The unique combination of flavours in Southern Comfort makes it a versatile mixer, as well as a great tasting spirit to savour on its own. At the core are whiskey, fruit and spice flavours.
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